Festilia Frutamin Tails

Healthy Lifestyle with Festilia

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Balancing Nutrition



Festilia Facts


Healthy Lifestyle



Festilia’s goal is to promote healthy living and nutrition awareness with no added sugar among children and young adults. We encourage an active lifestyle and a fondness for quality juice through school visits, fun games, and Festilia Toons, our cartoon channel on YouTube.

Let's learn HOW to become a Super Foodie!

“Eating a rainbow” helps your body get a complete range of nutrients. Keep your plate colorful!


   your Drink

Did you know…

No Added Sugar

No Artificial Flavours

High Vitamin C

Premium Recyclable Glass bottle packaging

Instant Energy Boost for sports

Choose to drink water and
other healthy beverages
like milk and 100% juice
instead of sugary drinks.

are bringing FUN & SPORTS to kids of all ages!

Regular exercise promotes healthy growth, development, strengthens bones and muscles, improves cardiovascular health, and helps maintain a healthy weight. Physical activity can reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression, improve mood, boost self-esteem and confidence, and enhance cognitive function and academic performance. Kids that practice sports also develop communication, cooperation, and leadership skills.

Golf offers a variety of benefits for kids:

Promotes physical activity and coordination
Cultivates social skills through friendly competition and teamwork
Fostering communication and sportsmanship
Sparking a lifelong interest in the sport
Spending time outdoors

Golf offers a variety of benefits for kids:

Promotes physical activity and coordination
Cultivates social skills through friendly competition and teamwork
Fostering communication and sportsmanship
Sparking a lifelong interest in the sport
Spending time outdoors

Learn with Festilia TOONS


Take a QUIZ and WIN

Test your knowledge about Festilia juices
and our cartoon characters to win
prize vouchers!

Good Health starts at home with the right food and drinks. We believe it’s important to teach kidsabout this early on. That’s why we are brining this message straight to you and your students.

Let’s plan the next event for the children together!

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